We arrange kid-free dates, with no need for a sitter.

We do all the hard work so you don't have to.
Romantic date? Sorted.
Childcare nearby? Sorted.
No disruption to the kid's routine? Sorted.

About You

Do you want to...Have more meaningful conversations & feel more connected with your partner?Spend quality time together & increase intimacy?Break the routine & bond on a deeper level?Spend quality time together, without stressful planning?Feel valued, appreciated & listened to in your relationship?Then this is for you.Having kids f's up date night!While your children are little, you need to adapt what spending quality time looks like.And we help you do that.

About Us

We empower couples with young children, who struggle to find quality time, to strengthen their partnership through shared experiences.So much changes when you become a parent. The quality of your connection with your partner shouldn't be one of them, but it often is.Juggling parenting, working & supporting your parents as they get older, doesn't leave much time or energy for each other.We help you change that! Because, as lovely as family-time is; as a couple, you need more.Are you ready to put your relationship first?Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about our exciting date experiences for parents. Also receive weekly date ideas and fun family activities in London.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you offer?
We offer a premium package of products & experiences (including childcare), that empower couples to reconnect with each other after becoming parents.
SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter or ENQUIRE to find out more.
Where is it?
We run our daytime date experiences in various venues across London.
When is it?
We run our events on various dates in different locations. SUBSCRIBE to be first to know when one is happening near you.
What age children is the childcare suitable for?
We accept children from age 6 months, up to 11 years old.
Are you Ofsted registered?
Due to the short-term nature of our childcare service, we are not required to be registered with Ofsted. However, we inform Ofsted of our event details and adhere to Ofsted guidelines and recommendations to ensure the highest standards of care and safety for your children.
How do I find out more?
Click the ENQUIRE button to arrange a brief call and learn all you need to know.
SUBSCRIBE to our weekly emails to be first to know about our daytime date events.
Or email [email protected].